When your organization needs to secure grant or contract funding for programs, operations, or multi-systems change initiatives, is your organization ready?
We will help you build and present a compelling, comprehensive story that clarifies essential elements about your organization: grant-readiness; defined study questions; discussion of root causes of the problem and innovative solutions; effective grant-seeking and program development plans; and thoughtful strategic positioning within your larger social ecosystem.
To us, grant-readiness is contiguous with grant proposal development.
Flowing seamlessly through these two elements is program design, development, and evaluation; grant management plans; and understanding of the larger community.
All of these are the system.
We take a systems approach.
Grant-readiness Assessment & Grant-seeking Strategy Development
We engage your team in candid and thoughtful conversations about your vision that clarify the scope of your funding needs and grant-readiness needs at the individual, organizational, and larger community system level. We apply this understanding to creating appropriate strategic grant-seeking plans, and determine how we can best serve your organization.
Prospective Grantmaker Research & Analysis
We research and study prospective grantmakers, and provide a summary analysis of suitable funding award opportunities.
Program Development
Where appropriate, we help you design and build programmatic plans that integrate logic modeling, grant-seeking strategy, evaluation methods, grant management plans, and sustainability plans into essential grant proposal content. We ensure that your proposals show and reflect a program designed or redesigned with components that operate effectively, capture root issues, generate measurable impact, and evolve the larger system.
Grant Proposal Writing
We work diligently to develop and skillfully write your grant proposals, and ensure alignment with funding opportunity guidelines. We devote all of our resources towards positioning your organization to earn multiple sustainable grant awards.
Comprehensive, thoughtful program development planning is the foundation of solid grant proposal applications that get funded, and that build a better world for all.
At GrantLuminous, our goal is to collaborate with you to build an efficient and effective process that accelerates your organization towards your vision and the shared vision of your partners and stakeholders.
Whether your organization is a nonprofit, small business, or government agency, bringing together essential programmatic elements that work synergistically is a critical step in developing programs and products for the community that work in relevant, meaningful, measurable, competitive, and lasting ways.